Program: Searching through a 2D array

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This program uses a 2D array to store the subjects in a school timetable, each day taking up a column in the array.

It also uses a 1D array to store the name of each day of the week.

The contents of the timetable are displayed using a pair of  for  loops, one nested inside the other.

Once displayed, the user is asked to type in a subject to search for. The results are then displayed on the screen.

Select and copy the C++ source-code at the bottom of this post.

Paste into a text editor, such as Nano or Geany.

Then save the new file, ending in .cpp

I used timetable.cpp

To compile from the command-line:

    g++ -o timetable.cpp timetable

To run from the command-line:


In order to see how the nested  for  loops are used to display the contents of the  timetable  array, you can uncomment the call to the  usleep  function and  cout << flush;  statement so that the program pauses for half a second after displaying each subject.

Code is below...

#include <iostream>    // Code to display text on screen
#include <unistd.h>   // To slow down the program with usleep if you want to

using namespace std;    // Using standard names cout and endl

int main()

    // These constants control how large the timetable is
    const int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 5;
    const int LESSONS_PER_DAY = 6;

    // These colour codes will be used when displaying the timetable
    const string GREEN = "\e[32m";
    const string NORMAL = "\e[0m";

    const char TAB = "\t";

    // --------------------

    // This 1D array hold the name of each day of the week
    string dayName[DAYS_IN_WEEK];

    dayName[0] = "Mon";
    dayName[1] = "Tues";
    dayName[2] = "Weds";
    dayName[3] = "Thur";
    dayName[4] = "Fri";

    // --------------------

    // This 2D array will hold the lessons for each day
    string timetable[LESSONS_PER_DAY][DAYS_IN_WEEK];

    // Set values for Monday - day 0
    timetable[0][0] = "Maths";
    timetable[1][0] = "English";
    timetable[2][0] = "Art";
    timetable[3][0] = "Art";
    timetable[4][0] = "PE";
    timetable[5][0] = "PE";

    // Set value for Tuesday - day 1
    timetable[0][1] = "Science";
    timetable[1][1] = "Science";
    timetable[2][1] = "French";
    timetable[3][1] = "History";
    timetable[4][1] = "French";
    timetable[5][1] = "Maths";

    // Set value for Wednesday - day 2
    timetable[0][2] = "Art";
    timetable[1][2] = "Art";
    timetable[2][2] = "German";
    timetable[3][2] = "Maths";
    timetable[4][2] = "Science";
    timetable[5][2] = "Geog";

    // Set value for Thursday - day 3
    timetable[0][3] = "PE";
    timetable[1][3] = "PE";
    timetable[2][3] = "Drama";
    timetable[3][3] = "Geog";
    timetable[4][3] = "Music";
    timetable[5][3] = "History";

    // Set value for Friday - day 4
    timetable[0][4] = "Music";
    timetable[1][4] = "Art";
    timetable[2][4] = "German";
    timetable[3][4] = "Maths";
    timetable[4][4] = "D&T";
    timetable[5][4] = "D&T";

    // --------------------

    // Display headings in green
    cout << GREEN << "Lesson\t";
    for ( int day = 0;  day < DAYS_IN_WEEK;  day++ )
        cout << dayName[day] << TAB << TAB;

    // Move on to next line, ready to display lessons
    cout << endl;

    // --------------------

    // Display the lessons for each day
    for ( int lesson = 0;  lesson < LESSONS_PER_DAY;  lesson++ )

        // Display lesson number in green text
        cout << GREEN << lesson + 1 << NORMAL << "\t";

        // Display name of each lesson in normal colour text
        for ( int day = 0;  day < DAYS_IN_WEEK;  day++ )
            cout << timetable[lesson][day] << TAB << TAB;

            // Slow down the program so you can see how the loops work
            // Uncomment these next 2 lines for slower speed!
            //cout << flush;  // Update screen immediately
            //usleep(500000);  // half a second delay

        }  // end of for loop that controls day number

        // Go on to next line of screen after all days displayed for this row
        cout << endl;

    }  // end of for loop that controls lesson number

    // --------------------
    // Search through each day for a particular subject
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Which subject do you want to search for?" << endl;
    string subjectToFind;
    cin >> subjectToFind;
    int timesFound = 0;

    // Search results will be shown in green
    cout << GREEN;
    for ( int day = 0;  day < DAYS_IN_WEEK;  day++ )

        for ( int lesson = 0;  lesson < LESSONS_PER_DAY;  lesson++ )

            // Determine whether this is the subject you are searching for
            if ( subjectToFind == timetable[lesson][day] )
                cout << "Lesson " << lesson + 1;
                cout << " on a ";
                cout << dayName[day] << endl;

        }  // end of for loop that controls day number
    }  // end of for loop that controls lesson number

    // Warn user if the subject could not be found
    if ( timesFound == 0 )
        cout << "None found." << endl;

    // Set text back to normal colours for your terminal
    cout << NORMAL;
    // --------------------
    return 0;

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