Program: Animated space invaders using a 2D array

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This program uses a 2D array of strings to displayed a row of animated space invaders.

Loops are used to control where on the screen each space invader is being drawn, as well as which frame needs to be drawn for the invaders - arms up... arms down... arms up... arms down...

Select and copy the C++ source-code at the bottom of this post.

Paste into a text editor, such as Nano or Geany.

Then save the new file, ending in .cpp

I used invasion.cpp

To compile from the command-line:

    g++ -o invasion.cpp invasion

To run from the command-line:


Code is below...

#include <iostream>  // Display text on screen
#include <sstream>  // stringstream converts int to ASCII
#include <unistd.h>  // sleep pauses between frames

using namespace std;  // Abbreviations for cout and endl

int main()
    // 2D array for invader graphics
    string invader[8][2];  // 8 rows tall, 2 different animation frames

    invader[0][0] = "   #     #   ";
    invader[1][0] = "    #   #    ";
    invader[2][0] = "  #########  ";
    invader[3][0] = " ##  ###  ## ";
    invader[4][0] = "#############";
    invader[5][0] = "# ######### #";
    invader[6][0] = "# #       # #";
    invader[7][0] = "   ##   ##   ";

    invader[0][1] = "   #     #   ";
    invader[1][1] = "#   #   #   #";
    invader[2][1] = "# ######### #";
    invader[3][1] = "###  ###  ###";
    invader[4][1] = "#############";
    invader[5][1] = "  #########  ";
    invader[6][1] = "  #       #  ";
    invader[7][1] = "  ##     ##   ";

    // Control which invader to display
    // Will alternate between frame 0 and frame 1

    int frames = 0;

    // Make text green
    cout << "\e[32m";

    // Infinite loop to display invader forever
    while ( true )
        for ( int invaderNum = 0; invaderNum < 5; invaderNum++ )
            // Display current animation frame for invader
            for ( int line = 0; line < 8; line++ )
                // Move to correct row and column using escape-sequence
                int rowNum = 3 + line;
                stringstream convertRowToASCII;
                convertRowToASCII << rowNum;
                string rowNumASCII;
                convertRowToASCII >> rowNumASCII;

                int colNum = 17 * invaderNum;
                stringstream convertColToASCII;
                convertColToASCII << colNum;
                string colNumASCII;
                convertColToASCII >> colNumASCII;    

                cout << "\e[" << rowNumASCII << ";";
                cout << colNumASCII << "H";

                // Display current row on the screen
                cout << invader[line][frames % 2] << endl;

            } // for loop that displays single frame

        } // for loop that counts which invader being displayed

        sleep( 1 );  // Pause before displaying next frame


    } // end of infinite while loop

    return 0;

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