Program: Reverse text using a function

This program allows you to enter a line of text. The text is then passed as an argument to a function. The function builds a new reversed string, one character at a time, using a for loop. The completed string value is then passed back to the main part of the program, which displays it on the screen.

Select and copy the C++ source-code at the bottom of this post.

Paste into a text editor, such as Nano or Geany.

Then save the new file, ending in .cpp

I used reverse.cpp

To compile from the command-line:

    g++ -o reverse.cpp reverse

To run from the command-line:


Here's the code:

#include <iostream>    // Using keyboard and screen
using namespace std;    // Using standard names cout, cin, endl

// --------------------

string reverse_it( string original )
    string changed = "";

    int last_pos = original.length()-1;

    for (int pos = last_pos; pos >= 0; pos--)
        changed = changed + pos );

  return changed;

// --------------------

int main()
    cout << "Type in a line of text: ";
    // Allow user to type in line of text
    string what_i_typed;
    getline( cin, what_i_typed );

    // Call function to reverse text and display result
    cout << reverse_it( what_i_typed );

    // Move on to new line on the screen
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

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