Program: Digital Snowstorm

Here's some multi-coloured screen-candy for you to try.

Select and copy the C++ source-code at the bottom of this post.

Paste into a text editor, such as Nano or Geany.

Then save the new file, ending in .cpp

I used snowstorm.cpp

To compile from the command-line:

    g++ -o snowstorm.cpp snow

To run from the command-line:


To speed the program up, reduce the value that the usleep() function uses - try 100

To slow it down, increase the value.

Code is below...

#include <cstdlib>  // To use random number function
#include <iostream>  // To use the screen - "channel out" cout, flush
#include <unistd.h>  // To slow things down using usleep function
#include <sstream>  // To convert between numbers and strings

using namespace std;  // Want to use short abbreviations

int main()
 // Will count number of flakes
 // This is used to determine which colour to display
 int snowflake = 0;

 // Do this code again and again forever...
 while ( true )
  // Pick a random column number for the screen
  int column = random() % 80;

  // Pick a random row number
  int row = random() % 25;

  // Convert the column number to a string of characters
  stringstream columnConverter;
  columnConverter << column;
  string columnString;
  columnConverter >> columnString;

  // Convert the row number to a string of characters
  stringstream rowConverter;
  rowConverter << row;
  string rowString;
  rowConverter >> rowString;

  // Position the cursor on screen at particular row and column

  cout << "\e[" + rowString + ";" + columnString + "H";

  // Decide what colour to use to display snowflake
  switch ( snowflake % 3 )
   case 0: cout << "\e[38;5;226m"; break; // Yellow
   case 1: cout << "\e[31m"; break; // Red
   case 2: cout << "\e[0m"; break; // White/terminal default colour

  // Increase snowflake counter

  // Display 1 or 0
  // (obtained by MOD 2 remainder on the number of snowflakes)
  cout << snowflake % 2;

  // Update screen NOW!
  cout << flush;

  // Pause for part of a second

 return 0;